Source code for trol.model

from functools import wraps
from . import Property, Collection, Lock, deserializer, serializer, nil
import weakref

"""Provides the Model and ModelType classes, which are the basic blocks of trol

The Model class is what trol data models derive from.
The examples in these docs will use the following data model


_all_models = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

[docs]class ModelType(type): """ModelType is a metaclass providing awareness of member trol objects to Model. This type embeds a dict of :obj:`Property` which tracks any properties assigned at class load. It assigns the names of properties who are unamed This type embeds a dict of :obj:`Collection` which tracks any collections assigned at class load It will assign the names to any collections which did not have their names assigned """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, _dict): cls._trol_properties = dict() cls._trol_collections = dict() cls._trol_locks = dict() for base in bases: # inherit properties from superclass cls._trol_properties.update(getattr(base, '_trol_properties', {})) cls._trol_collections.update(getattr(base, '_trol_collections', {})) cls._trol_locks.update(getattr(base, '_trol_locks', {})) for attrname, attr in _dict.items(): if isinstance(attr, Property): cls._trol_properties[attrname] = attr elif isinstance(attr, Collection): cls._trol_collections[attrname] = attr elif isinstance(attr, Lock): cls._trol_locks[attrname] = attr else: continue if attr._name is None: attr._name = attrname _all_models[cls.__name__] = cls super().__init__(name, bases, _dict)
[docs]class Model(metaclass=ModelType): """Model is a class that can hold and operate on trol properties and collections to form a trol object. Attributes: autocommit (bool): If `True`, properties will be immediatly commited to Redis when modified. Default is `True` This attribute can be overriden for a single property by setting that properties `autocommit` attribute alwaysfetch (bool): If `True`, property values will be fetched from Redis on every access. Deafault is `False` This attribute can be overriden for a single property by setting that properties `alwaysfetch` attribute """ _redis = None _key = None _model_name = None autocommit = True alwaysfetch = False @property def key(self): """str: Redis key which prefixes any properties stored under this Model instance By default this is {model_name}:{id} Changing the key of an instance may cause data to be lost. It's best to think of these models as a pointer and changing the keys is changing the value of the pointer Example: TODO: Write a new example """ if self._key is not None: return self._key return ':'.join((self.model_name, @key.setter def key(self, key): self._key = key @property def model_name(self): """str: A name for this model which, in addition to its id which identify it in Redis By default this is the class name Example: TODO: Write a new example """ if self._model_name is not None: return self._model_name return self.__class__.__name__ @model_name.setter def model_name(self, name): self._model_name = name @property def redis(self): """Redis: The active Redis connection for this model This model can have it's own Redis connection of use connection of the :obj:`Database` that holds it """ if self._redis is not None: return self._redis # Use try/except rather than if/else for this block because it should succeed if models are correct try: return self._trol_database.redis except AttributeError: return None @redis.setter def redis(self, redis): self._redis = redis def _properties(self, *propnames): if propnames: props = list() for propname in propnames: props.append(self._trol_properties[propname]) return props else: return self._trol_properties.values()
[docs] def invalidate(self, *propnames): """Mark properties in this model as invalid and requiring a fetch Args: *propnames (list[str]): The attribute nanes of properties which should be invalidated. If none are provided, the default is to invalidate all propertoes in the model. """ for prop in self._properties(*propnames): prop.invalidate(self)
[docs] def commit(self, *propnames): """Saves properties in this model to Redis Args: *propnames (list[str]): The attribute nanes of properties which should be committed. If none are provided, the default is to commits all propertoes in the model. """ mappings = dict() for prop in self._properties(*propnames): value = prop.value(self) if value is not nil: mappings[prop.key(self)] = prop.serialize(value) self.redis.mset(mappings)
[docs] def delete(self, *propnames): """Deletes properties in this model from Redis Args: *propnames (list[str]): The attribute nanes of properties which should be deleted. If none are provided, the default is to deleted all properties in the model. """ props = self._properties(*propnames) keys = [] for prop in props: keys.append(prop.key(self)) self.redis.delete(*keys) for prop in props: prop.set(self, nil)
[docs] def exists(self, *propnames): """Checks the properties in this model for existance in Redis Args: *propnames (list[str]): The attribute nanes of properties which should be checked for existance. If at least one property is specified, True will be returnedif all proerties exist If none are provided, the default is to return true if any property exists. """ if propnames: props = list() combine = all # The buitin function all for propname in propnames: props.append(self._trol_properties[propname]) else: combine = any # The buitin function any props = self._trol_properties.values() keys = [] for prop in props: keys.append(prop.key(self)) pipe = self.redis.pipeline() for key in keys: pipe.exists(key) return combine(pipe.execute())
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Updates the local values of multiple properties and commits them if autocommit is set Args: **kwargs (dict[str, object]): Key value pairs where the key is the property name and value is what it should be set to """ commits = list() for propname, value in kwargs.items(): prop = self._trol_properties[propname] prop.set(self, value) if prop.autocommit or (prop.autocommit is None and self.autocommit): commits.append(propname) if commits: self.commit(*commits)
[docs] def expire(self, ttl=None, **kwargs): """Sets the expiration TTL on specified keys or a common TTL on all keys. If both common TTL and property TTL are specified, the property TTL takes precidence. If neither are specified the call is a no-op. Args: ttl (float): TTL to apply to all keys. **kwargs (dict[str, float]): Key value pairs where the key is the property name and value is the desired TTL in seconds. Expiration times will be rounded to the nearest millisecond. """ if ttl is not None: for propname in self._trol_properties.keys(): kwargs.setdefault(propname, ttl) for propname, value in kwargs.items(): prop = self._trol_properties[propname] prop.expire(self, value)
_seperator = b'\xfe' _indicator = b'\xfc'
[docs]@serializer(Model) def serialize_model(model): """Serialize a model instance into a key reference The model class, id, model_name, and key will be preserved on serialization Any custom attributes of the instance will not Args: model (Model): The model to serialize Returns: bytes: The key reference """ model_id = getattr(model, 'id', None) class_name = model.__class__.__name__.encode('utf-8') model_id = _indicator if model_id is None else str( model_id).encode('utf-8') model_name = _indicator if model._model_name is None else model._model_name.encode( 'utf-8') model_key = _indicator if model._key is None else model._key.encode( 'utf-8') key = (class_name, model_id, model_name, model_key) return _seperator.join(key)
[docs]class ModelDeserializationError(Exception): def __init___(self, key): self.key = key def __str__(self): return "Failed to deserialize '{}' to a Model".format(self.key)
[docs]@deserializer(Model) def deserialize_model(byts): """Deserialize a key reference into a model instance The model class, id, model_name, and key will be set on deserialization Any custom attributes of the instance will not, and __init__ will not be called Args: bytes: The key reference Returns: model (Model): The deserialized model """ try: pieces = byts.split(_seperator) key = [] for piece in pieces: if piece == _indicator: key.append(None) else: key.append(piece.decode('utf-8')) cls = _all_models[key[0]] inst = cls.__new__(cls) if key[1] is not None: = key[1] inst._model_name = key[2] inst._key = key[3] return inst except Exception as err: raise ModelDeserializationError(byts) from err